Alumni Associations
National Alumni Association
Welcome to the Theta Tau National Alumni Association! We were established to keep Theta Tau alumni involved with the fraternity and to provide them opportunities to remain active and informed. There are a number of ways to stay involved with Theta Tau as an alumnus:
We are always open to new ideas! If you have an idea for volunteering with the NAA, please let us know how we can help. The purpose of the NAA is to increase the value of alumni membership and participation in Theta Tau by:
Local Alumni Associations
Many chapters and larger urban areas have an active body of alumni whose honest and commendable interest is local. Since the founding of Theta Tau’s first local alumni group (the Southwest Alumni Club in the old mining hotbed of Douglas, Arizona) in 1908, the Fraternity has encouraged the formation of local groups to support one another, their local communities, and often their local chapters. Information can be found to left about forming a local alumni group, and we stand ready to assist you in efforts to do so. Feel free to contact the officers of the National Alumni Association or the Central Office.