Resource Management

2022-09-30T19:04:50-04:00September 30, 2022||

Generate and deploy tailored training resources for student members, potential new members, volunteers, and alumni by February 2023. Audit duties among volunteers and Central Office staff by April 2022. Propose measures to reconcile conflicts and/or improve operations by July 2020. Define a volunteer recruitment and alignment process by August 2022. [...]


2022-09-30T19:04:28-04:00September 30, 2022||

Devise an interactive communication plan that informs membership and increases active engagement by 10% of the target audience by December 2022. Improve satisfaction and net promoter score by 15% for regional conferences by July 2023. Increase alumni engagement (e.g., in associations, at national events, volunteering, etc.) by 20% by December [...]

Membership Experience

2022-09-30T19:03:57-04:00September 30, 2022||

Define and assess against a standard for consistently high-quality student experiences by August 2022. Assess and establish a DEI strategy for the Fraternity by June 2022. Launch a chapter-support program with at least two pilot initiatives by August 2022. Publish and expand the minimum benefits provided to alumni by December [...]

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