
Recent National Officer Appointments for Theta Tau

2024-08-13T12:03:06-04:00August 12, 2024|News|

Theta Tau is an organization that is run primarily through the efforts of alumni volunteers.  Volunteers, who receive no compensation for their work, fill a variety of roles within the organization, from serving on committees to overseeing entire regions of the Fraternity.  The following brothers have recently been appointed as [...]

Theta Tau Awards 2023-2024 

2024-08-07T16:57:45-04:00August 7, 2024|News|

Every year Theta Tau recognizes its chapters and members who have contributed to our fraternity and achieved at a high level in their communities Members nominate their chapters and brothers from around the country for a variety of awards, and a committee of national volunteers selects from the best of [...]

Installation of Iota Zeta Chapter, Cal Poly SLO

2024-06-28T14:02:56-04:00June 28, 2024|News|

SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - On June 1, 2024, Theta Tau installed the Iota Zeta Chapter at the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo as our 109th chapter. “I’m delighted to celebrate the installation of Iota Zeta Chapter at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly [...]

Installation of Theta Zeta Chapter, University of Las Vegas

2024-06-18T13:54:21-04:00June 18, 2024|News|

LAS VEGAS -  On April 20, 2024, Theta Tau installed its 108th chapter;  Theta Zeta Chapter at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. Members of the Executive Council and the National Officers Corps were in attendance to celebrate with the newly initiated brothers.  “I’m excited for our newly installed Theta [...]


2024-05-21T21:57:32-04:00May 21, 2024|News|

May 21, 2024 - The Theta Tau Central Office invites applications for the position of Director of Programs. This a full-time staff position. The Director of Programs (DoP) will be part of the five-person Central Office (headquarters) staff that is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Theta Tau Professional [...]

Theta Tau Seeks a Communications Staffer

2024-03-11T18:55:36-04:00March 11, 2024|News|

PHILADELPHIA - March, 11, 2024 -- The Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity seeks an experienced communications professional to build a new department within our Central Office. The ideal candidate should have experience in all areas of communications (print, email, social media, video) and a familiarity with the fraternity and sorority [...]

Fall 2023 Regional Conferences a Success!

2024-01-03T16:56:09-05:00January 3, 2024|News|

By Emilee Danielson Burke, Director of Programs The Fall 2023 regional conferences have officially concluded and were a huge success! Over 350 brothers came together across five events to hear keynote speakers, learn in breakout sessions, and spend time with brothers from their regions and beyond. Each regional event was [...]

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